Adam Gorightly | 2001-06-24 - Many paranormal parallels can be drawn from the experience of John Lilly, one such being the so-called Near Death Experience (NDE), where Guides, as he called them (the two representatives from ECCO) appeared to Lilly much as figurative angels bathed in light do to others who have experienced NDE.
Terry Melanson | 2001-06-20 - The Vril Society presented the idea of a subterranean matriarchal, socialist utopia ruled by superior beings who had mastered the mysterious energy called the Vril Force.
Terry Melanson | 2001-06-17 - Throughout the Bible (evil spirits, demons, fallen angels, nephilim), folklore (sylphs, fairies, gnomes, spirits of the air), and UFO (grays, reptilians, ETs, space brothers, chupacabra) literature, we find our visitors have the ability to manipulate time and space. To choose a form at will. They seem to be toying with their true nature. Almost laughing at us mere mortals.
Ken Korczak | 2001-05-16 - The most popular belief today is that UFOs are spaceships piloted by aliens from outer space. But another good theory which never gets as much press is that which says UFOs may, in fact, be right here from earth.
Terry Melanson | 2001-05-08 - The New World Order as envisioned by the Elite is hardly a recent undertaking. Theirs is a philosophy rooted in ancient occult traditions.
Terry Melanson | 2001-04-25 - Witnesses of paranormal activities today and in centuries past have consistently encountered a common trait. Indeed, since the prophets of the bible spoke of the judgment of the Lord with fire and brimstone, has Sulphur smells been associated with paranormal manifestations.
Terry Melanson | 2001-04-19 - In 1980 Creme wrote a book called The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, which is an account of his telepathic communication with Maitreya and the history of his involvement with the occult dating back to the 1940's.
Jim Shaw | 2001-02-25 - "I flew into Washington National Airport and took a taxi to the House of the Temple on Northwest 16th Street. Upon arriving at the Temple I was met by a receptionist who asked if I were there to receive the 33rd Degree."
Adam Gorightly | 2001-02-20 - It was not long after my own encounter with strange aerial phenomenon that I began to see a link between UFOs to such seemingly disparate topics as psychedelics, psychotronics, and ritual magick.
William Dean Ross | 2000-12-25 - Cutting-edge technology such as stealth aircraft, invisible hovercraft, extremely low frequency mind control, weather control, and cloning became secret sciences. The new knowledge was and still is not available to the regular Army, to Congress, or to any University.
Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde | 2000-12-06 - Yoneji Masuda, "Father of the Information Society," stated his concern in 1980 that our liberty is threatened Orwellian-style by cybernetic technology totally unknown to most people. This technology links the brains of people via implanted microchips to satellites controlled by ground-based supercomputers.
Steve Kangas | 2000-03-12 - The wealthy have always used many methods to accumulate wealth, but it was not until the mid-1970s that these methods coalesced into a superbly organized, cohesive and efficient machine. After 1975, it became greater than the sum of its parts, a smooth flowing organization of advocacy groups, lobbyists, think tanks, conservative foundations, and PR firms that hurtled the richest 1 percent into the stratosphere.
Jon Atack | 1999-10-05 - Most Scientologists, celebrity and non-celebrity alike; as well as the general public, are ignorant of the Satanic/Black Magic background of its Founder, L. Ron Hubbard, and how he used these materials to form the core of his secret "Sacred Scriptures."
Guscott and Warren | 1999-05-22 - More than just a collection of quotes from various sources, This Overshadowed Planet has truly become an internet classic.
Claire Wolfe | 1998-09-28 - Whatever agency builds the camps, the rumor mill knows who will operate them: FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA, they say, will become dictator of America in a future "emergency." It will hold absolute power over the infrastructure, productive capacity, and citizenry of the country.
Agent Orange | 1997-08-08 - Convinced that German scientists could help America's postwar efforts, President Harry Truman agreed in September 1946 to authorize "Project Paperclip," a program to bring selected German scientists to work on America's behalf during the "Cold War."
Kris Millegan | 1997-07-15 - The story begins at Yale, where three threads of American social history -- espionage, drug smuggling and secret societies -- intertwine into one. [...] The secretive Order of Skull and Bones exists only at Yale. Fifteen juniors are "tapped" each year by the seniors to be initiated into next year's group.
Henry Lamb | 1996-08-26 - The other idea, the idea of sovereign government, is not new. Historically, the conqueror was the government. The Emperor, the King, the conqueror by whatever name, established his government by appointment and established laws by decree. Variations of this idea emerged over time to give the perception that the people had some say in the development of law.
Nick Begich | 1996-01-01 - HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an "ionospheric heater."
W. E. B. | 1995-12-31 - The CFR is the promotional arm of the Ruling Elite in the United States of America. Most influential politicians, academics and media personalities are members, and it uses its influence to infiltrate the New World Order into American life.
PERFECTIBILISTS: The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati, by Terry Melanson
The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship, by Paul & Phillip Collins
Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, by Abbe Barruel
Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith, by James H. Billington
America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, by Antony C. Sutton